Therapy Services
Individual Therapy
Individuals, including teens and adults, may seek my help for various issues including depression and anxiety, emotional over-reactivity (anger, excessive judgmentalness or negativity), dealing with trauma, loss, relationship and career issues, and childhood trauma.
Couples Therapy
Couples therapy attempts to improve romantic relationships and resolve interpersonal conflicts. Couples may seek my help for a range of issues that include, communication impasses, sexual difficulties, conflict in money matters, and more.
Family Therapy
Family therapy is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can be used to help a family through a difficult period of time, a major transition, or mental or behavioral health problems in family members.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it“
– Helen Keller

Allison Rose, PhD
Welcome to my website. I am Allison Rose, PhD, a licensed psychologist. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vestibulum enim vitae gravida semper. Quisque convallis suscipit est, quis venenatis velit tincidunt molestie. Morbi id nibh urna. Aliquam eleifend eleifend neque eu euismod. Ut egestas mauris diam. Nullam faucibus felis eget metus auctor egestas. Ut aliquam magna in eros condimentum interdum. Pellentesque non risus urna. Fusce rutrum interdum ligula nec posuere. Sed nunc ante, sodales et vulputate eget, laoreet vel lectus. Nulla tincidunt porta ornare. Donec tempus eget nisl eget consectetur. Nullam dictum ac ligula in mattis. Cras blandit quam ut nisl aliquet, quis luctus mauris varius. Fusce rutrum interdum ligula nec posuere. Sed nunc ante, sodales et vulputate eget, laoreet vel lectus. Nulla tincidunt porta ornare.
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I can help you attain the personal growth you truly desire.